# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.0 PortGroup app 1.0 name avidemux version 2.6.8 categories multimedia platforms macosx license GPL-2 maintainers nomaintainer homepage http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/ description Avidemux is a free video editor. long_description Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, \ filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, \ including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using \ a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, \ job queue and powerful scripting capabilities. master_sites sourceforge:project/avidemux/avidemux/${version} distname ${name}_${version} checksums md5 33d0cd47cb84a4e9f4e1b3160405c85c \ rmd160 b3d3af569fc2b3ccf485e591313b84000423d182 \ sha256 02998c235a89894d184d745c94cac37b78bc20e9eb44b318ee2bb83f2507e682 patchfiles patch-cmake-ffmpeg_make.sh.cmake.diff depends_build-append port:pkgconfig \ port:yasm depends_lib-append port:qt4-mac default_variants +aac +gettext +lame +sqlite +twolame +x264 # no automatic configure step, everything is done inside build use_configure no # only build with one job (otherwise it fails in avidemux_core) use_parallel_build no configure.args-append -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${configure.cc} \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=${configure.cflags} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${configure.cxx} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=${configure.cxxflags} \ -DFAKEROOT=${workpath}/destroot \ -DAVIDEMUX_SOURCE_DIR=${worksrcpath} \ -G \"Unix Makefiles\" # some default settings configure.args-append -DSDL=OFF \ -DGTK=OFF -DQT4=ON # disable all options, enable them in variants configure.args-append -DFONTCONFIG=OFF -DFREETYPE2=OFF \ -DFRIDIBI=OFF \ -DGETTEXT=OFF \ -DALSA=OFF \ -DARTS=OFF \ -DESD=OFF \ -DJACK=OFF \ -DOSS=OFF \ -DPULSEAUDIOSIMPLE=OFF \ -DAFTEN=OFF \ -DDCAENC=OFF -DLIBDCA=OFF \ -DFAAC=OFF -DFAAD=OFF \ -DLAME=OFF \ -DLIBVORBIS=OFF -DVORBIS=OFF \ -DOPENCORE_AMRNB=OFF -DOPENCORE_AMRWB=OFF \ -DTWOLAME=OFF \ -DVPXDEC=OFF \ -DX264=OFF \ -DXVID=OFF build { # mimic bootStrap.bash Process() behaviour proc process {work src module build extra} { # make build dir file mkdir ${work}/${build} # configure configure.post_args ${extra} ${src}/${module} configure.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec configure # build build.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec build # install to destroot destroot.dir ${work}/${build} command_exec destroot } # build avidemux core process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_core build_core "" # build avidemux GTK UI #process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/gtk build_gtk "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-framework,Cocoa" # build avidemux QT UI process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/qt4 build_qt4 "" # build avidemux cli UI process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux/cli build_cli "" # build common plugins process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_plugins build_pluginsCommon "-DPLUGIN_UI=COMMON -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${configure.cxx}" # build gtk plugins #process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_plugins build_pluginsGtk "-DPLUGIN_UI=GTK" # build QT plugins process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_plugins build_pluginsQt4 "-DPLUGIN_UI=QT4" # build cli plugins process ${workpath} ${worksrcpath} avidemux_plugins build_pluginsCli "-DPLUGIN_UI=CLI" } # destroot is handled by build destroot {} variant aac description {Support for faac/faad audio codecs} { depends_lib-append port:faac depends_lib-append port:faad2 configure.args-strsed s/-DFAAC=OFF/-DFAAC=ON/ configure.args-strsed s/-DFAAD=OFF/-DFAAD=ON/ } variant amr description {Support for AMR speech audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:opencore-amr configure.args-strsed s/-DOPENCORE_AMRNB=OFF/-DOPENCORE_AMRNB=ON/ configure.args-strsed s/-DOPENCORE_AMRWB=OFF/-DOPENCORE_AMRWB=ON/ } variant dts description {Support for DTS (libdca) audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:libdca configure.args-strsed s/-DDCAENC=OFF/-DDCAENC=ON/ configure.args-strsed s/-DLIBDCA=OFF/-DLIBDCA=ON/ } variant esound description {Support for ESD audio device} { depends_lib-append port:esound configure.args-strsed s/-DESD=OFF/-DESD=ON/ } variant fribidi description {Support for FriBidi} { depends_lib-append port:fribidi configure.args-strsed s/-DFRIDIBI=OFF/-DFRIDIBI=ON/ } variant gettext description {Support for gettext} { depends_lib-append port:gettext configure.args-strsed s/-DGETTEXT=OFF/-DGETTEXT=ON/ } variant jack description {Support for Jack audio device} { depends_lib-append port:jack configure.args-strsed s/-DJACK=OFF/-DJACK=ON/ } variant lame description {Support for LAME audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:lame configure.args-strsed s/-DLAME=OFF/-DLAME=ON/ } variant sqlite description {Support for SQLite3} { depends_lib-append port:sqlite3 } variant truetype description {Support for FreeType2} { depends_lib-append port:freetype depends_lib-append port:fontconfig configure.args-strsed s/-DFREETYPE2=OFF/-DFREETYPE2=ON/ configure.args-strsed s/-DFONTCONFIG=OFF/-DFONTCONFIG=ON/ } variant twolame description {Support for TwoLAME audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:twolame configure.args-strsed s/-DTWOLAME=OFF/-DTWOLAME=ON/ } variant vorbis description {Support for Vorbis audio codec} { depends_lib-append port:libvorbis configure.args-strsed s/-DVORBIS=OFF/-DVORBIS=ON/ configure.args-strsed s/-DLIBVORBIS=OFF/-DLIBVORBIS=ON/ } variant vpx description {Support for VP8 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:libvpx configure.args-strsed s/-DVPXDEC=OFF/-DVPXDEC=ON/ } variant x264 description {Support for x264 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:x264 configure.args-strsed s/-DX264=OFF/-DX264=ON/ } variant xvid description {Support for XviD MPEG-4 video codec} { depends_lib-append port:XviD configure.args-strsed s/-DXVID=OFF/-DXVID=ON/ } # .app stuff app.name Avidemux app.executable avidemux app.icon avidemux_icon.png