# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name colorer version take5.be5 revision 1 license MPL-1.1 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 categories textproc devel platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description A library that provides source text syntax highlighting services long_description \ Colorer take5 is a syntax highlighting and text parsing library, that \ provides services of text parsing in host editor systems in real-time and \ transforming results into colored text. Result information allows to \ search and build outlined lists of functions, structures, and to search \ and indent programming language constructions (brackets, paired tags). homepage http://colorer.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge:project/colorer/Library%20sources/Colorer-${version} distname Colorer-${version} use_zip yes checksums md5 075ede3afc260766fe13c71850a5e6c0 \ sha1 53cd454779621c09954ce70b6d06a4e1903ed6af \ rmd160 87c9ad2b99343c19e74211e658eb73ebcf0bcea9 post-extract { copy \ ${worksrcpath}/src/libcolorer/linux/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath} } variant universal {} patchfiles patch-Makefile.in.diff post-patch { # Use makefile.macos for colorer reinplace {/\/colorer/s/gcc/macos/} ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in # error: cast from 'int*' to 'int' loses precision reinplace s/int(/bool(/ ${worksrcpath}/src/shared/unicode/BitArray.cpp # Libraries extension is ".dylib" on Darwin, not ".so" reinplace {s/\.so/.dylib/} \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/src/libcolorer/makefile.gcc # The flag to build dynamic libraries on Darwin is -dynamiclib # Furthermore we need to write down libcolorer install name reinplace \ "s:-shared:-dynamiclib -install_name ${prefix}/lib/\$(TARGET):" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/libcolorer/makefile.gcc # Do not force installation as root reinplace {s/-g 0 -o 0//} ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in # Install documentation in an unversioned directory reinplace s:doc/colorer-take5:doc/colorer: ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "/^CPPFLAGS/s:\$: [get_canonical_archflags cc]:" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/shared/makefile.colorer.gcc reinplace -E "/^(LIB)?FLAGS/s:\$: [get_canonical_archflags ld]:" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/colorer/makefile.macos \ ${worksrcpath}/src/libcolorer/makefile.gcc } # error: taking the address of a temporary object of type 'DString' compiler.blacklist *clang* configure.cmd sh src/libcolorer/linux/configure configure.args --srcdir=. build.target colorer # Yes, this build system uses "CPP" for the C compiler and "LINK" for the C++ compiler. build.args CPP=${configure.cc} \ LINK=${configure.cxx} use_parallel_build yes destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix} destroot.args -B livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}whatsnew/history.html livecheck.regex {

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