DarwinPorts can be used on platforms other than Mac OS X 10.2 and 10.3, but requires bootstrapping of various requirements. Currently, DarwinPorts has been verified to work on the following platforms: Solaris 8 & 9 (Sparc) FreeBSD >= 4.8 (tcl and curl need to be installed manually) OpenBSD >= 3.3 (tcl, curl and bzip2 need to be installed manually) We will be assuming that you are installing into PREFIX=/opt/local, although any path can be used. Further, we are assuming a sh-based shell Solaris: Vendor cc(1) 0) PREFIX=/opt/local export PREFIX INSTALL REQUIREMENTS 1) Tcl. Use the Portfile as a template gzip -c -d ../tcl8.4.5-src.tar.gz | tar xf - cd tcl8.4.5 cd unix ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --mandir=$PREFIX/share/man make make install cd $PREFIX/bin ln -s tclsh8.4 tclsh $ echo puts foo | tclsh foo 2) OpenSSL gzip -c -d ../openssl-0.9.7c.tar.gz | tar xf - cd openssl-0.9.7c ./config --prefix=$PREFIX --openssldir=$PREFIX/etc/openssl no-asm no-krb5 shared make make install 3) Curl gzip -c -d ../curl-7.10.8.tar.gz | tar xf - cd curl-7.10.8 ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --mandir=$PREFIX/share/man --with-ssl=$PREFIX make make install curl --version 4) GNU fileutils gzip -c -d ../fileutils-4.1.tar.gz | tar xf - cd fileutils-4.1 ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --mandir=$PREFIX/share/man make make install 4) md5 cat > $PREFIX/bin/md5 <