// vim: set et sw=4 ts=8 ft=asciidoc tw=80: port-unarchive(1) ================= $Id$ NAME ---- port-unarchive - Extract the destroot of the given ports from a binary archive SYNOPSIS -------- [cmdsynopsis] *port* [*-vdtoy*] [*-D* 'portdir'] *unarchive* [['portname' | 'pseudo-portname' | 'port-expressions' | 'port-url']] [+/- variant ...] DESCRIPTION ----------- Extract the destroot (i.e. the set of files that are installed by a port) from installed or downloaded binary archives. Usually, users will not have to run this command manually. It is run automatically by MacPorts when installing a port from a pre-built binary. The possibility to execute it directly exists for debugging purposes. include::global-flags.txt[] SEE ALSO -------- man:port[1], man:port-install[1] AUTHORS ------- (C) 2015 The MacPorts Project Clemens Lang