# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name esound version 0.2.41 revision 3 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] categories audio platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer license LGPL-2 description Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD) long_description \ EsounD, the Enlightened Sound Daemon, is a server process that mixes \ several audio streams for playback by a single audio device. For example, \ if you're listening to music on a CD and you receive a sound-related event \ from ICQ, the two applications won't have to jockey for the use of your \ sound card. homepage http://www.tux.org/~ricdude/EsounD.html master_sites gnome:sources/esound/${branch}/ depends_lib port:audiofile use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 8d9aad3d94d15e0d59ba9dc0ea990c6c \ sha1 6c343483b3789f439277935eaad7e478bee685ea \ rmd160 72597ea46e507008e3a43efaaf5b4b9ef62b896f configure.args --enable-ipv6 post-patch { reinplace "s|int esd_spawn_wait_ms=100;|int esd_spawn_wait_ms=999;|" \ ${worksrcpath}/esd_config.c reinplace "s|spawn_wait_ms=100|spawn_wait_ms=999|" \ ${worksrcpath}/esd.conf if {${os.major} >= 9} { # esound tries to get the host name from the DISPLAY environment variable # See http://trac.macports.org/ticket/13848 reinplace "s|len = strcspn( display, \":\" );|len = strcspn( display, \":/\" );|" \ ${worksrcpath}/esdlib.c } } depends_build port:pkgconfig platform puredarwin { configure.args-append --disable-local-sound } livecheck.type gnome