# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name gnat-gprbuild version 1.2.0 revision 1 platforms darwin categories devel maintainers macports.org:krischik description GPRbuild automates the construction of multi-language systems long_description GPRbuild is an advanced software tool designed to help \ automate the construction of multi-language systems. It \ removes complexity from multi-language development by \ allowing developers to quickly and easily compile and link \ software written in a combination of languages including \ Ada, Assembler, C, C++, and Fortran. Easily extendable by \ users to cover new toolchains and languages it is primarily \ aimed at projects of all sizes organized into subsystems \ and libraries and is particularly well-suited for compiled \ languages. homepage http://www.adacore.com/home/gnatpro/toolsuite/gprbuild master_sites sourceforge:gnuada distfiles gprbuild-gpl-${version}-src.tgz worksrcdir gprbuild-${version}w-src checksums md5 fb1724e419c15c7678ead0760da11dde \ sha1 e986ea8174334aee6057bbf32be2f205d30bcc2d \ rmd160 ae234d06e5adb59b864e8ad1139d0117165aba31 use_parallel_build yes use_configure yes depends_lib port:gnat-gcc \ port:gnat-xmlada build.args --jobs=4 configure.env-append ADA_PROJECT_PATH=${prefix}/lib/gnat build.env-append ADA_PROJECT_PATH=${prefix}/lib/gnat destroot.env-append ADA_PROJECT_PATH=${prefix}/lib/gnat pre-destroot { reinplace "s|^prefix=|prefix=\${DESTDIR}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile } # vim: set nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab : # vim: set textwidth=78 filetype=tcl foldmethod=marker nospell :