# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name ocaml-findlib version 1.5.5 revision 3 distname findlib-${version} categories devel ml maintainers mww openmaintainer platforms darwin license MIT description Objective Caml library management system long_description The findlib library provides a scheme to manage reusable \ software components (packages), and includes tools that support \ this scheme. Packages are collections of OCaml modules for which \ metainformation can be stored. The packages are kept in the filesystem \ hierarchy, but with strict directory structure. The library contains \ functions to look the directory up that stores a package, to query \ metainformation about a package, and to retrieve dependency information \ about multiple packages. There is also a tool that allows the user to \ enter queries on the command-line. In order to simplify compilation and \ linkage, there are new frontends of the various OCaml compilers that \ can directly deal with packages. homepage http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/findlib.html master_sites http://download.camlcity.org/download/ checksums rmd160 4dd077e963b7a72ce9bd716ee497f8555b182139 \ sha256 aafaba4f7453c38347ff5269c6fd4f4c243ae2bceeeb5e10b9dab89329905946 livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex "findlib-(.*?).tar.gz" depends_lib port:ocaml # see #44929 # patch modified from https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/dev-ml/findlib/files # if labltk is updated, patchfile will have to remove labltk META file as well patchfiles-append patch-meta.diff depends_lib-append port:ocaml-camlp4 configure.args -bindir ${prefix}/bin \ -mandir ${prefix}/share/man \ -sitelib ${prefix}/lib/ocaml/site-lib configure.pre_args "" use_parallel_build no build.target all opt universal_variant no # `ocamlfind printconf destdir` returns nothing if the dir isn't in place # but we know it's the same as our site-lib dir set ocamlfind_destdir ${prefix}/lib/ocaml/site-lib/stublibs destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${ocamlfind_destdir} destroot.env-append OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ocaml/site-lib destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot} post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/camlp4find ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/camlp4find } post-activate { # Add our stublibs dir path to ld.conf set ldconfpath [exec ${prefix}/bin/ocamlfind printconf ldconf] # ld.conf should exist since ocaml is installed, but lets just be safe anyway if {[file exists $ldconfpath]} then { # make sure ld.conf doesn't already have this line, so if the user installs, # uninstalls, then installs again, we won't duplicate it set has_line 0 set ldconf [open $ldconfpath r+] while {[gets $ldconf line] != -1 && !$has_line} { if {[string equal $line $ocamlfind_destdir]} then { set has_line 1 } } if {!$has_line} { if {${registry.format} == "receipt_flat"} { ui_msg "## Adding line `${ocamlfind_destdir}' to file ${ldconfpath}" ui_msg "## Be sure to remove this line if you uninstall ${name}" } puts $ldconf $ocamlfind_destdir } close $ldconf } else { ui_warn "File ${ldconfpath} doesn't seem to be installed." ui_warn "Is ocaml installed properly?" } } pre-deactivate { # remove our stublibs dir path from ld.conf set ocamlfind_destdir [file normalize ${prefix}/lib/ocaml/site-lib/stublibs] set ldconfpath [exec ${prefix}/bin/ocamlfind printconf ldconf] set ldconfoutpath [file dirname $ldconfpath]/.[file tail $ldconfpath]~ if {[file exists $ldconfpath]} then { set ldconf [open $ldconfpath r] set ldconfout [open $ldconfoutpath w] while {[gets $ldconf line] != -1} { if {![string equal $line $ocamlfind_destdir]} { puts $ldconfout $line } } close $ldconfout close $ldconf file rename -force $ldconfoutpath $ldconfpath } } variant toolbox description {build the toolbox wizard, requires labltk} { configure.args-append -with-toolbox depends_lib-append port:ocaml-labltk }