" System vimrc file for Mac OS X " Author: Benji Fisher " Last modified: 23 February 2004 " TODO: Is there any way to test whether Vim.app was started from the Finder? if has("gui_running") " Get the value of $PATH from a login shell. " If your shell is not on this list, it may be just because we have not " tested it. Try adding it to the list and see if it works. If so, " please post a note to the vim-mac list! if $SHELL =~ '/\(sh\|csh\|bash\|tcsh\|zsh\)$' let s:path = system("echo echo VIMPATH'${PATH}' | $SHELL -l") let $PATH = matchstr(s:path, 'VIMPATH\zs.\{-}\ze\n') endif " Change directory on startup. autocmd VimEnter * if getcwd()=="/" | if strlen(@%) | cd %:p:h | else | cd | endif | endif " If running in a Terminal window, set the terminal type to allow syntax " highlighting. " else " set term=ansi endif