# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name boswars version 2.7 categories games platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer license GPL-2 description Bos Wars is a futuristic real time strategy game. long_description Bos Wars is a futuristic real time strategy game (RTS). \ Bos Wars has a dynamic rate based economy. Energy is \ produced by power plants and magma gets pumped from hot \ spots. Buildings and mobile units are also built at a \ continuous rate. Control of larger parts of the map \ creates the potential to increase your economy \ throughput. Holding key points like roads and passages \ allow for different strategies. homepage http://boswars.org/ master_sites ${homepage}dist/releases:boswars \ http://dev.gentoo.org/~hasufell/distfiles:images set imagefile boswars-${version}-fixed-images-for-libpng-1.6.tar.xz distname ${name}-${version}-src distfiles ${distname}${extract.suffix}:boswars \ ${imagefile}:images checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ rmd160 8a22afb974452d5290e4023f801752b8f2defe04 \ sha256 dc3718f531e9ea413cf37e1333b62a4c5e69f1405502d9c59b9e424635135e3e \ ${imagefile} \ rmd160 4354ab05348d2827ec17eeac472b03e854bcdaa7 \ sha256 87f3ee7f4045c3acfacd884348a2b376e710b42aa0f40acbc212732d0bee9a24 depends_extract-append port:xz depends_build port:pkgconfig \ port:scons depends_lib port:libogg \ port:libpng \ port:libsdl \ port:libtheora \ port:libvorbis \ port:lua51 \ port:zlib license_noconflict scons extract.only ${distname}${extract.suffix} # image files shipped with boswar are built with libpng15 # replace with fixed images built with libpng16 post-extract { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && \ ${prefix}/bin/xz -dc '${prefix}/var/macports/distfiles/${name}/${imagefile}' | ${portutil::autoconf::tar_command} --strip-components 1 -xf -" } pre-patch { xinstall ${portpath}/${filesdir}/build_options.py ${worksrcpath} } patchfiles patch-SConstruct.diff \ patch-engine_video_graphic.cpp.diff post-patch { reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/build_options.py reinplace "s|__CC__|${configure.cc}|g" ${worksrcpath}/build_options.py reinplace "s|__CXX__|${configure.cxx}|g" ${worksrcpath}/build_options.py } use_configure no universal_variant no build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/scons build.target destroot { # Path to the boswars resource directory ${prefix}/share/boswars. set share ${prefix}/share/boswars # Rename the boswars binary to boswars-bin and install it in destroot so a # helper script can be used which automatically sets the path to the # boswars files. move ${worksrcpath}/build/boswars-release ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/boswars-bin # Copy the helper script to ${prefix}/bin. xinstall ${portpath}/${filesdir}/boswars ${destroot}${prefix}/bin # Set the correct path to the boswars files in the boswars helper script. reinplace "s|__BOSWARS__|${share}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/boswars # Create the resource directory in destroot. xinstall -d ${destroot}${share} # Install the boswar files into ${prefix}/share/boswars: set files {campaigns doc graphics intro languages maps scripts sounds \ units} foreach file $files { move ${worksrcpath}/$file ${destroot}${share}/${file} } } notes " Attention! Changing display mode to OpenGL in the settings\ menu may not work and cause an application crash! If this\ happens remove ~/Library/boswars/preferences.lua to reset\ the setting. " livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}download.shtml livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)-src${extract.suffix}