# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name			stklos
version			1.10
revision		2
categories		lang
platforms		darwin
maintainers		mww
license			GPL-2
description		free Scheme system supporting most language features from R5RS
long_description	STklos is a free Scheme system supporting most of the \
				languages features defined in R5RS. The aim of this \
				implementation is to be fast as well as light. The \
				implementation is based on an ad-hoc Virtual Machine. STklos \
				can also be compiled as a library and embedded in an \

homepage		http://www.stklos.net/
master_sites		${homepage}/download/ \
checksums           md5     55b709bf56d2e6b16fe5e1a10c1a9013 \
                    sha1    113551b6bee26fbe5c835ef0db292b9276cccaa0 \
                    rmd160  517cad0a8cf99416887788f2454b55fc70f56f90

depends_lib		port:gmp port:pcre path:lib/libgc.dylib:boehmgc

configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
				--disable-gtk \
				--disable-gnome \

test.run		yes

post-destroot {
	# remove doc files etc.
	delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info
	delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man3

platform darwin 9 {
	configure.cflags-append	-D_NONSTD_SOURCE