# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name			itl
version			4.0.0-1
categories		math
license			Artistic-1
platforms		darwin
supported_archs	noarch
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		Iterative Template Library (based on MTL)
long_description	The Iterative Template Library (ITL) is a generic \
			component library that provides iterative methods for solving \
			linear systems. ITL also provides numerious preconditioners which \
			is for MTL. ITL uses the abstract interface of matrix-vector, \
			vector-vector, and vector-scalor operations MTL is default to \
			serve those operations. ITL is able to use other packages such as \
			Blitz++ and BLAS with the same abstract interface provided.

homepage		http://www.osl.iu.edu/research/itl/
master_sites	http://www.osl.iu.edu/download/research/itl/
checksums		md5 cb8b11de45e5b1bb80b17123adc93190

depends_lib		port:blitz port:mtl

configure.args	--with-mtl=${prefix}/include --with-blitz=${prefix}/include

build		{}

destroot {
	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/include/${name}
	xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath}/itl Iteration_concept.h Matrix_concept.h \
		Preconditioner_concept.h givens_rotation.h itl.h itl_config.h \
		itl_tags.h itl_utils.h matrix_free_operator.h modified_gram_schmidt.h \
		number_traits.h ${destroot}${prefix}/include/${name}