(* Applescript to run 'Unix' version of mythtv-setup For use with MacPorts install of Myth Author: Craig Treleaven, ctreleaven at cogeco.ca Myth Version: 0.25.0 Modified: 2012May17 2012Sep08 Force working themepainter *) property MSUappPath : "@PREFIX@/bin/mythtv-setup" property MSUlogArg : "-O ThemePainter=qt --logpath @MYTHTVLOGDIR@" property MSUlogLevel : "info" -- single string property MSUverboseLevel : {"general"} -- a list, can be multiple strings set welcome to "Initial setup of Myth is done through the mythtv-setup program. This includes defining where recordings and other media are stored, tuners and sources of listings data and scanning for available channels, etc. " --Should test if mythbackend is running and warn user... try set Clicked to display dialog welcome with title ¬ "Run mythtv-setup" buttons {"Cancel", "Start"} default button "Start" on error set Clicked to false end try set CmdList to {MSUappPath, MSUlogArg, "--loglevel " & MSUlogLevel, "--verbose " & joinlist(MSUverboseLevel, ",")} set Cmd to (joinlist(CmdList, " ")) --display alert button returned of Clicked if Clicked is not false then if button returned of Clicked = "Start" then --display alert Cmd do shell script Cmd -- run it! end if end if -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Handlers to joinlist(aList, delimiter) set retVal to "" set prevDelimiter to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter set retVal to aList as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevDelimiter return retVal end joinlist