# $Id$

PortSystem	1.0

name				cdpr
version				2.4
categories			net
maintainers			nomaintainer
platforms			darwin

description			Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
long_description	        CDPR will show which switch and port the machine running  \
				it is connected to.  It also supports sending cdp data  \
				back to a central server.

homepage			http://www.monkeymental.com/

master_sites                    sourceforge
extract.suffix			.tgz
checksums			md5 ee0f112e1a914168d088e4e0291efbcb

depends_lib			port:libpcap

use_configure	no

build.args	CFLAGS="-Wall -ggdb -lpcap -I. -I${prefix}/include" \
			LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib -lpcap"

destroot {
	xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/cdpr ${destroot}${prefix}/bin