# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup gettalong webgen 0_5_14 REL_ ruby.setup webgen 0.5.14 setup.rb {COPYING GPL AUTHORS THANKS} license GPL-2 maintainers nomaintainer description Templated based static website generator long_description Webgen is a web page generator implemented in Ruby. \ It is used to generate static web pages from \ templates and page description files. categories-append www homepage http://webgen.gettalong.org/ checksums md5 58c6b689ccd95e8abbee3725917fca1f platforms darwin supported_archs noarch depends_lib port:rb-cmdparse \ port:rb-kramdown post-destroot { reinplace "s|^#!.*ruby|#!${ruby.bin}|" ${destroot}${ruby.bindir}/webgen }