# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup mpi 1.0 github.setup sourceryinstitute opencoarrays 1.6.2 name OpenCoarrays categories science parallel devel platforms darwin license BSD maintainers gmail.com:fanfarillo.gcc description Library for multi-image coarray Fortran suppport long_description OpenCoarrays is an open-source software project \ for developing, porting and tuning transport \ layers that support coarray Fortran compilers. \ We target compilers that conform to the coarray \ parallel programming feature set specified in the \ Fortran 2008 standard. We also support several \ features proposed for Fortran 2015 in the draft \ Technical Specification 'TS18508 Additional \ Parallel Features in Fortran'. homepage http://opencoarrays.org mpi.setup require require_fortran \ -gcc44 -gcc45 -gcc46 -gcc47 -gcc48 -gcc49 -gcc5 \ -dragonegg -clang -llvm -fortran universal_variant no if {![variant_isset gcc6]} { default_variants +gcc6 } checksums rmd160 b82d68d9fb46fd23233bb4ab8b4a7990b389b973 \ sha256 d70d2b8a70d826eddf6d3b9e5be3a69070663f2d804c48f656ad8837d2deb04c #patchfiles tests-compiler.patch cmake.out_of_source yes post-patch { reinplace "s|mpicc|${prefix}/bin/mpicc-${mpi.name}|g" \ src/make.inc src/mpi/Makefile src/tests/unit/simple/CMakeLists.txt } # Required to run the test phase. pre-configure { configure.args-append \ -DMPIEXEC=${prefix}/bin/${mpi.exec} \ -DMPI_C_COMPILER=${prefix}/bin/mpicc-${mpi.name} \ -DMPI_Fortran_COMPILER=${prefix}/bin/mpif90-${mpi.name} } #test.run yes #test.target test post-destroot { move ${destroot}${prefix}/mod/opencoarrays.mod \ ${destroot}${prefix}/include }