# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name lscsoft-deps version 20160922 categories science maintainers ram aronnax ligo.org:ed.maros platforms darwin supported_archs noarch description LSCSoft dependencies meta-port long_description This is a meta-port that depends on all the ports \ needed for developing Software used within the LIGO Scientific \ Collaboration. homepage http://www.lsc-group.phys.uwm.edu/daswg master_sites ${homepage} distfiles depends_run port:git \ port:autoconf \ port:automake \ port:libtool \ port:pkgconfig build {} destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version} system "echo ${long_description} > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version}/README.txt" } variant glue description {Include dependencies for glue development} { depends_run-append port:python27 \ port:py27-numpy \ port:py27-pyrxp \ port:py27-m2crypto \ port:py27-cjson \ port:py27-pyxmpp \ port:py27-libxml2 \ port:py27-m2crypto \ port:py27-dnspython } variant lalsuite requires glue description {Include dependencies for LALSuite development} { depends_run-append port:pkgconfig \ port:swig \ port:swig-python \ port:py27-healpy \ port:gsl \ port:fftw-3 \ port:fftw-3-single \ port:libframe \ port:ldas-tools-framecpp \ port:metaio \ port:libxml2 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \ port:healpix-c \ port:hdf5 \ port:py27-h5py } variant pylal requires glue lalsuite description {Include dependencies for pyLAL development} { depends_run-append port:py27-scipy \ port:py27-matplotlib \ port:py27-matplotlib-basemap } variant gstlal requires glue lalsuite pylal description {Include dependencies for gstlal development} { depends_run-append port:orc \ port:gstreamer010 \ port:gstreamer010-gst-plugins-base \ port:gstreamer010-gst-plugins-good \ port:py27-gobject \ port:py27-gst-python } default_variants +glue +pylal +lalsuite +gstlal notes \ "To complete the installation and prepare your system for use, please run: \n\tsudo port select --set python python27" use_configure no livecheck.type none