Octave-forge portfiles generator The archive containig this file should have 5 files: Portfile-proto, README.txt, dependencies.lua, packages.html and parse.lua The script parse.lua opens a file named "packages.html", this file is stripped from keeping only items of kind
i.e. it can be obtained cutting head and tail of the page on octave-forge's website. The file dependencies.lua keeps dependencies for packages, you can add dependencies by adding comma separated string to oct['package_name'].deps table. You can disable a package, for example if it's broken with autogenerated portfile, by setting oct['package-name'].disabled to true. Portfile-proto is the template, just drop in the layout you like. The template has a few placeholders in the form of capitalized four letters word, namely they are: NAME, VERS, DESC, DSTN, DEPS and LVCK that stand for Name, Version, Description, Destination, Dependencies and Livecheck. Pretty self explicative. That's all folks! Andrea D'Amore and.damore@macports.org