The Octave-forge ANN package wraps the ANN library, which provides data structures and functions for computing exact and approximate nearest neighbors on an arbitrarily high dimensional point set.
Audio recording, processing and playing tools.
The package contains code used to benchmark speed of Octave.
Bioinformatics manipulation
Combinatorics functions, incuding partitioning.
Digital Communications, Error Correcting Codes (Channel Code), Source Code functions, Modulation and Galois Fields
Additional Octave Control tools
Algorithms for smoothing noisy data
These are bindings that allow SQL queries and other database operations on postgres, mysql, sqlite, and standard ODBC databases from within Octave. A simplified interface that is uniform across all database types is provided, as well as the entire C client API for each database (libpq, libmysqlclient, etc).
Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques.
Financial manipulation and plotting functions
Fixed point real and complex matrix toolbox
These are bindings for ftplib, and MATLAB compatible APIs.
Genetic optimization code
General tools for octave.
Octave bindings to the GNU Scientific Library
Addition System Indentification Control functions.
The Octave-forge Image package provides functions for reading, writing, and processing images. The package supports
almost all image formats through the use of ImageMagick.
The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image
statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological
operations, linear filtering, and much more.
Input/Output in external formats.
Irregular sampling analysis.
Additional linear algebra code, including general SVD and matrix functions.
Miscellaneous tools including waitbar, xml tools, etc
Find functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave.
A feed forward multi-layer neural network.
A NetCDF interface for octave
The package allows interpolating and smoothing scattered multidimensional data using Gaussian Process Regression (also known
as Kriging).
To approximate the solution of the boundary-value problem y''=p(x)*y' + q(x)*y + r(x), a<=x<=b, y(a)=alpha, y(b)=beta by the linear finite-diffence method.
A package for solving ordinary differential equations and more.
Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization toolkit.
An optimal interpolation toolbox for octave. This package provides functions to perform a n-dimensional optimal interpolations of arbitrarily distributed data points.
Grubbs, Dixon and Cochran tests for outlier detection and p-value approximating routines.
Parallel execution package for cluster computers
Physical Constants from Atomic & Molecular Physics, taken from NIST database
Additional ploting tools for Octave.
Signal processing tools, including filtering, windowing and display functions.
Special functions including ellipitic functions, etc
Additional Special Matrices for Octave.
Additional Cubic spline functions.
Additional statistics functions for Octave.
Additional manipulation functions
Additional Structure manipulations functions.
Symbolic toolbox based on GiNaC and CLN.
Additional date manipulation tools.
Implements addframe, avifile, aviinfo, and aviread, using ffmpeg. (and approximately conforms to Matlab interface)
A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create
calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs,
lists, message windows, icons in the notification area,
and windows for large amount of text.
Automatic Forward Differentiation
Package for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equaltions based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM)
Functions to solution some ODE's in Civil Engineering.
An external interface library for Octave
Collection of routines to plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes
Graceplot bindings for octave.
Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration
Provides Java interface with OO-like Java objects manipulation
JHandles is a java- and openGL-based alternative graphics package for octave, providing a handle-based mechanism similar to Matlab.
Simple Mapping functions.
Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. Relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.
An Octave-forge package providing functions for parallel processing on multiple cores.
Missing value statistical toolbox
This package allows efficient computation of nonlinear aerodynamic
Package for solving DC and transient MNA equation stemming from electrical circuit
Reads and display PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank
A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices
A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 2d semiconductor devices
socket implementation of a tcl-octave connection
Linear Algebra for Symmetric Banded Matrices.
Simple example of a user type implementing a simple matrix type for triangular matrices.
Stochastic concepts and maximum entropy methods for time series analysis
Provides COM interface and additional functionality on Windows
Bindings to the Xraylib functions
Native Translations
Brazilian Portuguese translations of the help strings of the Octave functions.
Non-free packages
Octave bindings to ARPACK, including the eigs and svds function.
B-spline data smoothing using generalized cross-validation and mean squared prediction or explicit user smoothing