# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 name db47 version 4.7.25 revision 2 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] {}] categories databases license Sleepycat maintainers mcalhoun openmaintainer platforms darwin description The Berkeley DB package, version 4.7 long_description \ Version 4.7 of the Berkeley Data Base library which \ offers (key/value) storage with optional concurrent \ access or transactions interface. This port will \ install the AES (American Encryption Standard) \ enabled version. homepage http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/berkeley-db/db/overview/index.html master_sites http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/ patch_sites http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/patches/db/${version}/ patchfiles patch.${version}.1 \ patch.${version}.2 \ patch.${version}.3 \ patch.${version}.4 distname db-${version} patch.dir ${workpath}/${distname} checksums ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ md5 ec2b87e833779681a0c3a814aa71359e \ sha1 957c10358df1211e1dc37ea997aadef42117d6a5 \ rmd160 9a5d8149d61452906c3f1c36f2859a2033c8bc3b \ patch.${version}.1 \ md5 5fdf101259e5164dea1c8c86214fde38 \ sha1 3ae3c02fb541dc8f8dee903a75450d2dbc0736a7 \ rmd160 89c58f5235f95e82e65bab447d1b9019bf26ed25 \ patch.${version}.2 \ md5 bd410a11c71fee52fddb6aa2d8d4f80c \ sha1 e3d56ad6e4a9bc092495f62c40c0cdf11ab2443c \ rmd160 097a6bc3e8efd43fe5bd0fd77a4b793cd0d6bc18 \ patch.${version}.3 \ md5 6fcd69f64f5b34bfe8f0a63cc2e402c1 \ sha1 1f707e6c65c8ebe9fa7b36333c6de76f2d480cf5 \ rmd160 a0ef673d8127be825444aaa12711dcf75b7fda1a \ patch.${version}.4 \ md5 c71830a1303cd34595ca655257196eec \ sha1 0eb5566ad2ca2232b92d8c71285bfaf32aba54dc \ rmd160 0b235122060785887eb41fa7657379bd4f1e57bf configure.dir ${worksrcpath}/build_unix build.dir ${configure.dir} configure.cmd ../dist/configure configure.args --enable-cxx \ --includedir=\\\${prefix}/include/db${branch} \ --libdir=\\\${prefix}/lib/db${branch} destroot.destdir \ prefix=${destroot}${prefix} \ docdir=${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} post-destroot { foreach bin [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ db_*] { set newbin [regsub {^db_} ${bin} "db${branch}_"] move ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${bin} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${newbin} } } variant java conflicts no_java description {Build the Java API} { configure.args-append --enable-java platform macosx { pre-configure { if {![file isfile "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers/jni.h"]} { ui_error "${name} requires the Java for Mac OS X development headers." if {${os.major} == 10} { ui_error "Download the Java Developer Package from: " } elseif {${os.major} == 9} { ui_error "Download the Java Developer Package from: " } else { ui_error "Make sure your Xcode installation is complete." } return -code error "missing Java headers" } } } } variant no_java conflicts java description {Legacy compatibility variant} {} if {[variant_isset no_java]} { default_variants -java } elseif {${os.subplatform} == "macosx" && ${os.major} < 11} { default_variants +java } variant tcl description {build Tcl API} { depends_lib-append port:tcl configure.args-append --enable-tcl --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib } if { [variant_isset universal] } { if { ${os.arch}=="i386" } { if { ${os.major} >= 10 } { set merger_configure_args(ppc) --with-mutex=Darwin/_spin_lock_try } set merger_configure_args(ppc64) --with-mutex=Darwin/_spin_lock_try } else { set merger_configure_args(i386) --with-mutex=x86/gcc-assembly set merger_configure_args(x86_64) --with-mutex=x86_64/gcc-assembly } } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/downloads/index-082944.html livecheck.regex {(4\.7(?:\.\d+)*)\.tar\.gz}