# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ set perl_vendor_lib [ exec sh -c "eval \"\`perl -V:installvendorlib\`\" ; echo \$installvendorlib" ] if {$build_arch == "x86_64" || $build_arch == "ppc64"} { set flavor gcc64pthr set enable64 yes } else { set flavor gcc32pthr set enable64 no } PortSystem 1.0 name globus-core set _name [ string map {"-" "_"} $name ] version 8.9 set globus_version 5.2.4 set globus_branch [join [lrange [split ${globus_version} .] 0 1] .] revision 0 platforms darwin categories devel license Apache-2 maintainers nikhef.nl:dennisvd openmaintainer homepage http://www.globus.org/ description Globus Toolkit - Globus Core long_description The Globus Toolkit is an open source software \ toolkit used for building Grid systems and \ applications. It is being developed by the \ Globus Alliance and many others all over the \ world. A growing number of projects and \ companies are using the Globus Toolkit to \ unlock the potential of grids for their \ cause. The ${name} package contains: \ Globus Core master_sites http://www.globus.org/ftppub/gt5/${globus_branch}/${globus_version}/packages/src/ distname ${_name}-${version} checksums sha256 75d58415fdcf344ef3c6a4c1214b29a83035bfc014f43b980607b0929998c9c0 \ rmp160 2ca5cdaa7e77c4467409a01cdb0d379bd15a5c7f patchfiles patch-globus-core-automake-obsolete-macro.diff patch.pre_args -p1 depends_run port:p5-xml-dom \ port:p5-xml-parser depends_build port:grid-packaging-tools \ port:p5-xml-dom \ port:p5-xml-parser \ port:libtool \ port:autoconf \ port:automake configure.env-append GPT_LOCATION=${prefix} \ GLOBUS_LOCATION=${prefix} \ CPPFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include/globus" configure.post_args --includedir=${prefix}/include/globus \ --libexecdir='\${datadir}/globus' \ --with-threads=pthreads \ --with-flavor=${flavor} \ --enable-64bit=${enable64} \ --with-setupdir='\${datadir}/globus/setup' \ --with-testdir='\${datadir}/globus/test' \ --with-flavorincludedir='\${libdir}/globus/include' \ --with-perlmoduledir=${perl_vendor_lib} \ --with-doxygendir='\${datadir}/globus/doxygen' \ --with-docdir='\${datadir}/doc/${name}' build.env-append GPT_LOCATION=${prefix} \ GLOBUS_LOCATION=${prefix} pre-configure { file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/autom4te.cache reinplace "s/libtoolize/glibtoolize/g" ${worksrcpath}/bootstrap system "cd ${worksrcpath} && \ GLOBUS_LOCATION=${prefix} GPT_LOCATION=${prefix} ./bootstrap" } post-destroot { # These scripts are intended to be sourced, not executed system "chmod 644 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/globus/globus-build-env-*.sh" } livecheck.type regex livecheck.version ${globus_version} livecheck.url http://www.globus.org/toolkit/downloads/latest-stable/ livecheck.regex {Globus Toolkit (\d+(?:\.\d+)*) Download}