# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ocaml 1.0 name ocaml-pgocaml version 1.4 revision 3 categories devel ocaml license LGPL-2 maintainers landonf openmaintainer description Type-safe OCaml-interface to the PostgreSQL-database long_description PG'OCaml is a type-safe, simple interface to PostgreSQL \ from OCaml. It lets you embed SQL statements directly \ into OCaml code. homepage http://developer.berlios.de/projects/pgocaml/ platforms darwin master_sites sourceforge:pgocaml.berlios distname pgocaml-${version} extract.suffix .tgz checksums rmd160 3d118e0edfd0d308a9407f41fe66b1000c0f4c20 \ sha256 ee041b2efcf071b0b0e7f48428b2cfd8a1b4550bfe402dbe2a259af2b7b5c190 depends_lib port:ocaml \ port:ocaml-findlib \ port:ocaml-calendar \ port:ocaml-csv \ port:ocaml-pcre \ port:ocaml-extlib post-patch { reinplace "s|ocamlfind|${ocamlfind_wrapper}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile } use_configure no build.target pGOCaml_generic.cmi pGOCaml.cmi all use_parallel_build no destroot.target findlib_install