# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name smpeg version 0.4.4 revision 9 categories multimedia # libs are LGPL, executables are GPL # the readme says LGPLv2 but the actual source files say "or any later version" license {GPL-2+ LGPL} BSD IJG maintainers mww platforms darwin description a general purpose MPEG video/audio player/library long_description smpeg is a general purpose MPEG video/audio player and \ library programmed by Loki entertainment and others homepage http://www.lokigames.com/development/smpeg.php3 master_sites ftp://ftp.lokigames.com/pub/open-source/smpeg/ \ macports freebsd checksums md5 59c76ac704088ef5539210190c4e1fe3 depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/sdl.pc:libsdl patchfiles patch-smpeg.h.diff patch-glmovie-tile.c.diff \ patch-glmovie.c.diff \ patch-smpeg.m4.diff patch-MPEGaudio.h.diff patch-video.h.diff \ patch-MPEG.cpp.diff patch-smpeg-gtkm4.diff patch-automake-as.diff \ patch-configure-flags.diff patch-Makefile.am.diff post-patch { file delete ${worksrcpath}/acinclude.m4 touch ${worksrcpath}/NEWS touch ${worksrcpath}/AUTHORS touch ${worksrcpath}/ChangeLog } use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args --include=${worksrcpath}/m4 configure.args --without-x \ --disable-gtktest \ --disable-gtk-player \ --enable-static \ --enable-shared \ --disable-sdltest \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man configure.ldflags-append -framework OpenGL use_parallel_build no