# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 name smokeping version 2.6.8 categories net perl maintainers markd openmaintainer description A deluxe latency logging and graphing system. long_description SmokePing is a deluxe latency measurement tool. \ It can measure, store, and display latency, latency \ distribution, and packet loss. SmokePing uses RRDtool \ to maintain a longterm data-store and to draw pretty \ graphs, giving up to the minute information on the \ state of each network connection. platforms darwin homepage http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/ master_sites http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/pub/ checksums md5 14a968daab2d17a27d41600077e3e967 \ rmd160 4a81dfbceee93f917d77698a9b73f6133eb21ffa patchfiles patch-etc-config.dist.diff \ patch-bin-smokeping.diff \ patch-bin-tSmoke.diff \ patch-bin-smokeinfo.diff \ patch-bin-smokeping_cgi.diff depends_lib-append port:perl5.12 \ port:mod_fastcgi \ port:p5.12-fcgi \ port:apache2 \ port:rrdtool \ port:p5.12-libwww-perl \ port:p5.12-socket6 \ port:p5.12-net-snmp \ port:p5.12-net-telnet \ port:p5.12-net-dns \ port:p5.12-net-radius \ port:p5.12-perl-ldap \ port:p5.12-io-socket-ssl \ port:p5.12-pathtools \ port:p5.12-snmp_session \ port:p5.12-config-grammar \ port:fping \ port:curl set smokeroot ${prefix}/lib/smokeping set smokedata ${prefix}/var/smokeping set smokeetc ${prefix}/etc set macports_apache_docroot ${prefix}/apache2/htdocs startupitem.create yes startupitem.name smokeping startupitem.executable ${prefix}/bin/smokeping --nodaemon post-patch { reinplace "s|__PREFIX__|${prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeping \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/tSmoke \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeinfo \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeping_cgi \ ${worksrcpath}/etc/config.dist reinplace "s|__PERL5__ARCHLIB__|${perl5.archlib}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeping \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/tSmoke \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeinfo \ ${worksrcpath}/bin/smokeping_cgi reinplace "s|/usr/bin/|${prefix}/bin/|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/Examples.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/Curl.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/RemoteFPing.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/SSH.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/FPing6.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/EchoPing.pm \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/FPing.pm reinplace "s|/usr/share/smokeping/etc|${smokeetc}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/Smokeping/probes/passwordchecker.pm } post-destroot { # Create and retain the data directory xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${smokedata}/log destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${smokedata}/log } notes \ " #### To complete the Smokeping installation #### 1) Enable mod_fastcgi (installed as a dependency of Smokeping) for MacPorts Apache 2. -Rdd the line below to ${prefix}/apache2/conf/httpd.conf. LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so 2) Changes to httpd.conf for Smokeping. -Uncomment this line to enable the CGI script handler. AddHandler cgi-script .cgi -Add a directive for Smokeping's data directory and add smokeping.cgi to DirectoryIndex for a simple /smokeping url. Alias /smokeping \"${prefix}/var/smokeping\" Allow from all Options ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.html smokeping.cgi 3) Set Smokeping data directory permissions to the Apache user and group set in httpd.conf. The default Apache user and group for OS X is www. sudo chown -R : ${smokedata}/ 4) Setup Smokeping logging. -Add this statement to /etc/syslog.conf. local1.* ${smokedata}/log/smokeping.log -Create a logfile to receive the log messages. cd ${smokedata}/log sudo touch smokeping.log sudo chmod 600 smokeping.log sudo chown root:admin smokeping.log -Then restart the syslog facility. sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog.pid` 5) Rename and edit the ${smokeetc}/config sample files, then test your config file. -Remove the .dist extension from all files; do not change the filenames. cd ${smokeetc} sudo mv config.dist config -Set the DNS names for the Smokeping config file url's \"imageurl\" and \"cgiurl\". But you should leave all file paths alone -they are set by MacPorts. imgurl = http://myhost.mycompany.com/smokeping cgiurl = http://myhost.mycompany.com/smokeping/smokeping.cgi -Customize variables. * General * - owner, contact, and mailhost * Alerts * - to, from addresses -Then clear the examples \(they have a leading '+'\) in the *** Targets *** section and set your own. + My Web Server menu = MyWebServer title = My Web Server host = mywebserver.mydomain.com alerts = bigloss,someloss,startloss -See sample configurations and examples in ${prefix}/share/doc/smokeping/. -Perform a config file test from a terminal window and correct any errors that are reported. smokeping --check 6) Start Smokeping and verify it is running. (Give it a minute to start) sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.smokeping.plist ps -ax |grep smoke 1713 Ss 0:00.16 ${prefix}/bin/smokeping \[FPing\] 1753 Ss 0:00.18 ${prefix}/bin/speedy_backend -w ${prefix}/apache2/htdocs/smokeping/smokeping.cgi 1754 S 0:01.56 ${prefix}/bin/speedy_backend -w ${prefix}/apache2/htdocs/smokeping/smokeping.cgi 7) Check the Smokeping graphs with a web browser. Go to http://localhost/smokeping 8) Add or remove targets from Smokeping. After adding or removing targets from ${smokeetc}/config, you must reload Smokeping from a terminal window. sudo smokeping --reload"