# $Id$

PortSystem           1.0
PortGroup            perl5 1.0

perl5.branches      5.8 5.10 5.12 5.14 5.16
perl5.setup          PostScript-Simple 0.07
revision             3
maintainers          email.arc.nasa.gov:sal
description          Produce PostScript files from Perl
long_description     PostScript::Simple allows you to have a simple method \
                     of writing PostScript files from Perl. It has graphics \
                     primitives that allow lines, curves, circles, polygons \
                     and boxes to be drawn. Text can be added to the page \
                     using standard PostScript fonts.
platforms            darwin
checksums            md5 4f67d5aabff883aa111197528172e804

supported_archs noarch