# $Id$

PortSystem		1.0
PortGroup		ruby 1.0

ruby.setup		{cocoa rubycocoa} 1.0.6 install.rb {ChangeLog ReadMe.html}
revision		0
maintainers		kimuraw
description		Ruby bindings for writing cocoa programs
long_description	RubyCocoa is a Ruby library for using Cocoa Objects \
					on Mac OS X in Ruby scripts. You can use RubyCocoa \
					to work with Cocoa objects in Ruby scripts, write \
					Cocoa applications with Ruby and Interface Builder, \
					develop small scale simple Cocoa applications and \
categories-append	devel
homepage		http://${ruby.project}.sourceforge.net/
license			{LGPL Ruby}
master_sites	sourceforge:${ruby.project}
distname		RubyCocoa-${version}
checksums		md5 ddc0b4e033e70bbdd8d59901e9631d23 \
				rmd160 6dff7373e73924e266d1f760650db97d321d23dc \
				sha1 5ab73bceaec2b36955f49f405a9d6001dc01ce15
platforms		darwin

# fix #16928: allow non Mac OS X's make, like gmake
patchfiles-append	patch-ext-rubycocoa-extconf.rb.in.diff

configure.args		--install-prefix=${destroot}${prefix} \
					--install-root=${destroot}${prefix} \
					--documentation=/share/doc/${name} \

# apply universal_archs or build_arch
if {[variant_isset universal]} {
	if {[info exists universal_archs] && $universal_archs != ""} {
		configure.args-append --target-archs="${universal_archs}"
} else {
	if {[info exists build_arch] && $build_arch != ""} {
		configure.args-append --target-archs="${build_arch}"

#test.run yes
test.cmd ${ruby.bin}
test.target install.rb test