# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mod_jk version 1.2.27 categories www java maintainers jberry openmaintainer platforms darwin description Apache mod_jk remote server connector long_description mod_jk is the connector supported by apache for communication between \ the apache server and tomcat. mod_jk2, which had for some time superceeded mod_jk, \ has now become officially 'unsupported' by the Apache group. \ mod_jk allows apache to be used refer some request for processing by tomcat or any \ other server that also supports the ajp13 protocol. \ Apache 2.1 will contain a replacement for mod_jk(2) called mod_proxy_ajp. \ At this time (this) mod_jk port supports only apache2, not apache 1.x. homepage http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/ distname tomcat-connectors-${version}-src master_sites http://archive.apache.org/dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/jk/source/jk-${version} checksums md5 a15cc9e3813ef5b081c7de10e6a1fbed \ sha1 361f8aaa1844ac76a5dda741152968190b34347b \ rmd160 cb872030d4325ba15d0038c6c7b298213768300a depends_build path:apache2/bin/httpd:apache2 worksrcdir ${distname}/native configure.args --with-apxs=${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs set apachedir apache2 # Determine a valid value for javahome if { [llength [array get env "JAVA_HOME"]] > 0 } { set javahome $env(JAVA_HOME) } else { set javahome "" } if { ![file isdirectory ${javahome}] } { if { ${os.platform} == "darwin" } { if { [file isdirectory "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home"] } { set javahome "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home" } } } if { ![file isdirectory ${javahome}] } { pre-fetch { error "This port needs a reasonable value for JAVA_HOME, but couldn't automatically determine one: please set the environment variable." } } variant jni description {Build jni_connect.so and enable jni_worker} { configure.args-append --with-java-home=${javahome} --enable-jni } pre-configure { # Check to be sure the apache2 port has been updated, and # warn the user if it hasn't been. # In port versions prior to 2.0.52_1, apxs didn't know where libdir was. # That information is needed by the jk configure script. set apxs ${prefix}/${apachedir}/bin/apxs if { [file executable ${apxs}] } { set libdir [exec ${apxs} -q LIBDIR] if { 0 == [string length ${libdir}] || ![file isdirectory ${libdir}] } { error "Your apache2 installation doesn't know where its library directory is. Please update your apache2 port." } } } if {[variant_isset universal]} { patchfiles-append configure_universal.patch post-configure { system -W ${worksrcpath}/common "ed - ./portable.h < ${filespath}/common_portable.h.ed && touch ./stamp-h1" } } destroot { # Install the connector for apache2 xinstall -m 755 -d \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${apachedir}/modules \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${apachedir}/conf xinstall -m 644 \ ${worksrcpath}/apache-2.0/mod_jk.so \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${apachedir}/modules if {[variant_isset jni]} { xinstall -m 644 \ ${worksrcpath}/jni/jk_jnicb.so \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${apachedir}/modules } xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/../conf/workers.properties.minimal \ ${destroot}${prefix}/${apachedir}/conf/workers.properties.sample } post-install { ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# Example file ${prefix}/${apachedir}/conf/workers.properties.sample has" ui_msg "# been installed to illustrate use of the jk connector between " ui_msg "# apache2 and tomcat." ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# You will want to create a working copy of this file as workers.properties" ui_msg "# and configure the uri mappings within it, or by using directives within httpd.conf." ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# Be sure to also add the following line to your httpd.conf:" ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so" ui_msg "#" } variant apache20 description "install for apache 2.0.x" { global apachedir set apachedir apache20 depends_build-delete path:apache2/bin/httpd:apache2 depends_build-append path:apache20/bin/httpd:apache20 configure.args-delete --with-apxs=${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs configure.args-append --with-apxs=${prefix}/apache20/bin/apxs } livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex "tomcat-connectors-(\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)-src.tar.gz"