# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name sunclock version 3.50pre1 revision 4 extract.suffix .tgz categories x11 maintainers nomaintainer description shows Earth's surface illuminated by the Sun long_description \ This program is a clock that shows which portion of the \ Earth's surface is illuminated by the sun. It is designed \ to be usually iconic, but can be opened for a larger \ display with the time updated every second and both the \ local time zone and UTC displayed. homepage http://www.arvernes.com/wiki/index.php/Sunclock platforms darwin master_sites ftp://ftp.ac-grenoble.fr/ge/geosciences/sunclock/ \ openbsd:distfiles checksums md5 6e07964a99848018432825c5b3297cc6 depends_lib port:jpeg port:xpm port:zlib patchfiles gzFile.patch pre-configure { reinplace "s|DESTDIR=/usr|DESTDIR=${prefix}|" "${worksrcpath}/Imakefile" reinplace "s|MANDIR=/X11R6|MANDIR=/share|" "${worksrcpath}/Imakefile" reinplace "s|BINDIR=/X11R6/bin|BINDIR=/bin|" "${worksrcpath}/Imakefile" reinplace "s|#JLIBDIR=-L/usr/lib|JLIBDIR=-L${prefix}/lib|" "${worksrcpath}/Imakefile" reinplace "s|#JINC=-I/usr/include|JINC=-I${prefix}/include|" "${worksrcpath}/Imakefile" } use_xmkmf yes pre-build { reinplace "s|INCROOT = /usr/X11R6/include|INCROOT = ${prefix}/include|" "${worksrcpath}/Makefile" reinplace "s|#include ||" "${worksrcpath}/tildepath.c" } destroot.destdir DESTDIR=${destroot}${prefix} DOCHTMLDIR=/share/doc