2009-06-01 Florian Ebeling * mpab-functions (uninstallPorts): operate on `port list active' instead of `port installed' * mpab-functions: factor out function `chroot_exec' * mpab-functions: add /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app to pathsToCopy list 2009-04-13 Florian Ebeling * chroot-scripts/buildports (uninstallPorts): Fix: use -x on deactivate to see real success of operation. 2009-04-09 Florian Ebeling * mpab-functions (chrootShell): add new function for interactive shell inside of chroot 2009-04-07 Florian Ebeling * mpab, mpab-functions (buildmp, rebuildmp): Accept a path to a release tarball of MP to install into chroot. * mpab: Add support for a data directory distinct from current working directory. * mpab-functions: Use local variables in functions. * mpab: by default look for a SVN working copy named 'mpexport', then fallback to 'macports_dist.tar.bz2'.