# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mpstats version 0.1 categories sysutils license BSD platforms darwin supported_archs noarch maintainers nomaintainer description submit statistics about your macports installation long_description \ This is a script and LaunchAgent which can run weekly to report \ information about your system and installed ports to a server, which \ publishes the aggregate statistics on the web. homepage http://www.macports.org/ master_sites sourceforge:macports use_bzip2 yes checksums rmd160 6411865c289d95f15eec870fd3aa8d1ffa7c4502 \ sha256 43a7c0e5956acf96f6a3e9c913229c6decbeabb5a4e5645a829a7fca7878a7ef configure { reinplace "s|set prefix /opt/local|set prefix ${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/mpstats.tcl } build {} destroot { xinstall ${worksrcpath}/mpstats.tcl ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mpstats xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/mpstats.conf ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/mpstats.conf.default system -W ${worksrcpath} "DESTDIR=${destroot} ./setupstats.sh ${prefix}/bin/mpstats" } post-activate { if {![file exists ${prefix}/etc/mpstats.conf]} { copy ${prefix}/etc/mpstats.conf.default ${prefix}/etc/mpstats.conf reinplace "s|@STATS_UUID@|[exec uuidgen]|" ${prefix}/etc/mpstats.conf } } notes \ "To enable automatic weekly reporting of data to the stats server,\ run: launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.stats.plist"