# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name frozenbubble2 categories games version 2.2.0 revision 2 platforms darwin maintainers pmq description Frozen Bubble 2 long_description Colorful 3D rendered penguin animations, 100 levels of 1p \ game, hours and hours of 2p game, nights and nights of \ 2p/3p/4p/5p game over LAN or Internet, a level-editor, 3 \ professional quality digital soundtracks, 15 stereo sound \ effects, 8 unique graphical transition effects, 8 unique \ logo eye-candies. homepage http://www.frozen-bubble.org master_sites ${homepage}/data distname frozen-bubble-${version} checksums sha1 df5a8c839a76fd662777925b2eb80fcb8adf3fa6 \ rmd160 1bbe0163c28421c497979c85a98f64a98174c780 use_bzip2 yes depends_build port:pkgconfig depends_lib port:perl5.12 port:libsdl port:libsdl_image \ port:libsdl_mixer port:p5.12-sdl_perl port:libsdl_pango depends_run port:p5.12-locale-gettext livecheck.type freecode livecheck.name frozen-bubble # uses nested functions # http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#gcc-extensions-not-implemented-yet compiler.blacklist *clang* patchfiles patch-c_stuff-Makefile.PL.diff patch-Makefile.diff patch-c_stuff-Makefile.diff post-patch { foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/frozen-bubble*] { reinplace "s|/usr/bin/perl|${prefix}/bin/perl5.12|g" ${file} } reinplace "s|__PERL__|${prefix}/bin/perl5.12|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile \ ${worksrcpath}/c_stuff/Makefile } use_configure no build.args PREFIX="${prefix}" CC="${configure.cc}" LD="${configure.cc}" destroot.args PREFIX="${prefix}" post-destroot { fs-traverse f ${destroot}${prefix} { if {[file isfile ${f}]} { switch [file tail ${f}] { .packlist - perllocal.pod { delete ${f} } } } } }