# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 name dcmtk version 3.6.0 revision 3 set unpatched_version [lindex [split ${version} _] 0] set stripped_version [string map {. ""} ${unpatched_version}] categories graphics platforms darwin license {BSD Apache-2} maintainers eborisch \ openmaintainer description The DICOM Toolkit. long_description DCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications \ implementing large parts the DICOM standard. It \ includes software for examining, constructing and \ converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, \ sending and receiving images over a network connection,\ as well as demonstrative image storage and worklist \ servers. DCMTK is is written in a mixture of ANSI C \ and C++. It comes in complete source code and is made \ available as "open source" software. homepage http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk master_sites \ ftp://dicom.offis.de/pub/dicom/offis/software/dcmtk/dcmtk${stripped_version}/ \ http://dicom.offis.de/download/dcmtk/dcmtk${stripped_version}/ distname ${name}-${unpatched_version} checksums md5 19409e039e29a330893caea98715390e \ sha1 469e017cffc56f36e834aa19c8612111f964f757 \ rmd160 ad80a4b6cff9ed275e6153036bdce9e2d912721b platform darwin { if {${os.major} >= 13} { pre-activate { ui_warn "$name is uses a pre-release (snapshot) on Mavericks." } version 3.6.1_20131114 revision 0 distname ${name}-${version} checksums md5 c01122c169b8a4b372c41d8f7ba69447 \ sha1 a6b5f8b1f4a78a3955e2084919f9b9e346f1c6de \ rmd160 d1e01ab94199303b799cd8c52296bd6c610f011f master_sites http://dicom.offis.de/download/dcmtk/snapshot } else { # TODO: This project has buggy C++ which clang rejects compiler.blacklist-append *clang* patchfiles patch-config-configure.diff } } distfiles ${distname}${extract.suffix} depends_lib port:zlib # To enable building while previous version is in ${prefix} post-extract { reinplace "s|\$\(LDFLAGS\) \$\(LIBDIRS\)|\$(LIBDIRS) \$(LDFLAGS)|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmdata/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmdata/libsrc/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmdata/tests/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmimage/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmimgle/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmjpeg/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmjpls/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmnet/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmpstat/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmpstat/jni/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmpstat/tests/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmqrdb/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmsign/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmsr/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmsr/tests/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmwlm/apps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmwlm/tests/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/dcmwlm/wwwapps/Makefile.in \ ${worksrcpath}/ofstd/tests/Makefile.in } configure.args-append --without-libtiff \ --without-libpng \ --without-openssl \ --without-libxml destroot.target-append install-lib use_parallel_build no variant private description "Install private tags dictionary" { configure.args-append --with-private-tags } variant doc description "Install html documentation" { destroot.target-delete install-lib destroot.target-append install-all depends_build-append port:doxygen } variant png description "Enable png support" { depends_lib-append port:libpng configure.args-delete --without-libpng } variant ssl description "Enable openssl support" { depends_lib-append port:openssl configure.args-delete --without-openssl } variant tiff description "Enable tiff support" { depends_lib-append port:tiff configure.args-delete --without-libtiff } variant xml description "Enable xml support" { depends_lib-append port:libxml2 configure.args-delete --without-libxml } default_variants +png +ssl +tiff +xml destroot.args docdir=${prefix}/share/doc/${name} livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {dcmtk\-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*).tar.gz}