# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name magicpoint version 1.13a categories graphics maintainers nomaintainer license BSD homepage http://member.wide.ad.jp/wg/mgp/ master_sites ftp://sh.wide.ad.jp/WIDE/free-ware/mgp/ \ http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/MagicPoint/${distfiles}/ebc403982956e918ab327c54a90b44e0/ checksums md5 ebc403982956e918ab327c54a90b44e0 \ rmd160 067d7dee3b90ec354975d9ad4ea0c0df48cca191 \ sha256 205e6752e3cb024bcce0583b43dafc9b89490c0016daa91d2486891edcf2cfc1 platforms macosx darwin description An X11 based presentation tool. long_description Magic Point is an X11 based presentation tool. It \ is designed to make simple presentations easy while to make complicated \ presentations possible. Its presentation file (whose suffix is \ typically .mgp) is just text so that you can create presentation \ files quickly with your favorite editor (e.g. Emacs, vi). depends_build port:pkgconfig \ port:imake depends_lib port:Xft2 \ port:xorg-libXmu \ port:libpng \ port:giflib patchfiles patch-configure \ patch-default.mgp \ patch-image_gif.c \ patch-image_png.c universal_variant no # LOCALPREFIX= is for configure to find giflib. configure.env LOCALPREFIX=${prefix} configure.args --enable-gif post-configure { # unusual port: uses not just autoconf but also Imake system -W ${worksrcpath} "${prefix}/bin/xmkmf && make Makefiles" } destroot.target install install.man use_parallel_build no build.args-append \ EXTRA_LIBRARIES=-L${prefix}/lib destroot.destdir \ DESTDIR=${destroot} \ BINDIR=${prefix}/bin \ LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/X11 \ FONTDIR=${prefix}/lib/X11/fonts \ MANPATH=${prefix}/share/man livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex /${name}-(\[0-9a-z.\]+)${extract.suffix}