# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 name py-sqlite version 2.6.3 categories-append databases license zlib maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin freebsd description python database extension for sqlite long_description PySQLite is a Python extension for SQLite that \ conforms to the Python Database API Specification 2.0. homepage http://pysqlite.googlecode.com/ master_sites googlecode:pysqlite distname pysqlite-${version} checksums rmd160 a84c96b7f60daff1815ba3e455cbc6264eb3ea86 \ sha256 0d538880717f6347bb83f9ce11e9b171caf9d76e1980a0e9c22f8b03aec3585b python.versions 24 25 26 27 if {${name} ne ${subport}} { depends_lib-append port:sqlite3 patchfiles patch-setup.py post-patch { reinplace -locale en_US.ISO8859-1 "s|__SUBPORT__|${subport}|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.py } test.dir "${worksrcpath}/build/lib.macosx-${macosx_deployment_target}-${configure.build_arch}-${python.branch}" test.run yes test.cmd ${python.bin} -c "'from pysqlite2.test import test; test()'" }