- https://trac.macports.org/ticket/35992 Git repository: - http://git.opengatecollaboration.org/git/opengate-public.git Download: - http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/sites/opengatecollaboration.org/files/gate_release/2012/08/gate_v6_2_tar_gz_15843.gz - http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/sites/opengatecollaboration.org/files/gate_release/2012/08/lmf_v3_0_tar_gz_42819.gz - http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/sites/opengatecollaboration.org/files/ReleaseNotes6.2.pdf Application for Mac, together with documented patches needed to create it: - http://suhard.fr/gate/ - http://suhard.fr/gate/gate6.1.dmg - http://suhard.fr/gate/gate6.2.dmg TODO: - get variables from geant port - Should examples go to share/doc/gate or to share/gate/doc? - remove CMake files from examples - I end up with /opt/local/share/gate/._gui.mac: why? - png icon: less transparency if possible - load gui.mac Upstream feature requests: - repository at GitHub - CMAKE variable to copy the examples automatically - try to prevent crashing by catching errors - prepare a nice default startup gui - enable hardcoded GATEHOME in general/src/GateTools.cc there is G4String GateTools::FindGateFile(const G4String& fileName) which checks for the environmental variable GATEHOME and may potentially load the material database and other files from there - png icon Compile warnings: - a handful of unused variables DONE: - copy license/LICENSE.txt -> OK - copy examples & benchmarks -> OK - maybe put the Gate binary to libexec and create a shell script in ${prefix}/bin/Gate which sets all the necessary variables (data files) and calls the real binary afterwards -> OK - try to copy the material database somewhere and set GATEHOME -> OK - in case of errors, Gate reports location where the file is built (that weird build path that doesn't exist any more) -> OK - replace "../../GateMaterials.db" with "GateMaterials.db" in examples - check if qt4-mac is enabled for Geant4, else prevent compilation (or make a Gate variant without qt4) Something like tho following is needed for running Gate: export G4LEDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/G4EMLOW6.32" export G4LEVELGAMMADATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/PhotonEvaporation2.3" export G4NEUTRONHPDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/G4NDL4.2" export G4NEUTRONXSDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/G4NEUTRONXS1.2" export G4PIIDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/G4PII1.3" export G4RADIOACTIVEDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/RadioactiveDecay3.6" export G4REALSURFACEDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/RealSurface1.0" export G4SAIDXSDATA="/opt/local/share/Geant4/Data/G4SAIDDATA1.1" /opt/local/bin/Gate $@