# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name tomcat6 version 6.0.35 categories java www maintainers blair openmaintainer license Apache-2 platforms darwin description Tomcat 6 HTTP Server and Java Servlet Container. long_description \ Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official \ Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages \ technologies. homepage http://tomcat.apache.org/ distname apache-tomcat-${version}-src master_sites apache:tomcat/tomcat-6/v${version}/src/ checksums md5 4d44a7e7610a83ebe930a781257a8b1d \ sha1 1a47ad41d52a27757cfeddf7fa1627688ed4027a \ rmd160 d292b210fe62aafec4a074e3a626766585367a3e patchfiles patch-bin-catalina.sh \ patch-build.xml.diff depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant depends_lib bin:java:kaffe \ bin:jsvc:commons-daemon \ port:jakarta-taglibs-standard-11 \ port:commons-beanutils \ port:commons-collections \ port:commons-launcher \ port:commons-daemon \ port:commons-digester \ port:commons-el \ port:commons-logging \ port:commons-modeler \ port:commons-httpclient \ port:commons-pool \ port:commons-dbcp \ port:commons-fileupload \ port:commons-io \ port:jakarta-regexp \ port:xercesj \ port:jakarta-log4j \ port:mx4j \ port:junit \ port:saxpath ## port:jaxen \ set javaLibs ${prefix}/share/java set home share/java/tomcat6 set tomcatuser www set tomcatgroup www use_configure no build.cmd ant build.target download set antArgs [join " -Dversion=${version} -Dversion.build=[lindex [split ${version} .] 2] -Dbase.path=${worksrcpath}/Repository -Dnsis.exe=${worksrcpath}/.bogus -Dcommons-beanutils.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-beanutils.jar -Dcommons-collections.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-collections.jar -Dcommons-launcher.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-launcher.jar -Dcommons-daemon.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-daemon.jar -Dcommons-digester.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-digester.jar -Dcommons-el.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-el.jar -Dcommons-logging.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-logging.jar -Dcommons-logging-api.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-logging-api.jar -Dcommons-modeler.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-modeler.jar -Dcommons-httpclient.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-httpclient.jar -Dcommons-pool.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-pool.jar -Dcommons-dbcp.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-dbcp.jar -Dcommons-fileupload.jar=${javaLibs}/commons-fileupload.jar -Dregexp.jar=${javaLibs}/jakarta-regexp.jar -DxercesImpl.jar=${javaLibs}/xercesImpl.jar -Dxml-apis.jar=${javaLibs}/xml-apis.jar -Dlog4j.jar=${javaLibs}/jakarta-log4j.jar -Djmx.lib=${javaLibs} -Djunit.jar=${javaLibs}/junit.jar -Dsaxpath.jar=${javaLibs}/saxpath.jar -Djasper.home=${worksrcpath}/../jasper "] # -Dstruts.lib=${javaLibs}/struts/lib ## -Djaxen.jar=${javaLibs}/jaxen.jar build.args $antArgs pre-build { # # Tomcat in this version requires ant 1.6.5. # If the current version of ant is not at least 1.6.5 then # tell the user and fail. # if { [string length [auto_execok ant]] } { set verOutput [exec ant -version] regexp {version (\d+(\.\d+)*)} $verOutput -> antVersion if { [vercmp $antVersion "1.6.5"] < 0 } { return -code error "This version of tomcat requires ant version 1.6.5 or better. Please install a newer ant before proceeding." } } # Make a bogus file to prevent nsis.exe from downloading system "touch ${worksrcpath}/.bogus" } destroot { set target ${destroot}${prefix}/${home} xinstall -m 755 -d ${target} # Ensure we've got needed directories ui_msg "# setting up needed dirs" xinstall -m 755 -d \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc \ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rc.d # Create the tomcat user addgroup ${tomcatgroup} set gid [existsgroup ${tomcatgroup}] add_users ${tomcatuser} gid=${gid} realname={Web Server} # Install Tomcat ui_msg "# installing tomcat..." system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ant $antArgs deploy" ## build space: file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/build/bin ${target} file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/build/conf ${target} file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/build/lib ${target} file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/build/temp ${target} file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/build/webapps ${target} ## and classes: file copy ${worksrcpath}/output/classes ${target}/shared/ # Add the jstl libs to tomcat6/shared/lib so that they're # available to all ui_msg "# adding the jstl libs " xinstall -m 755 -d ${target}/shared/lib xinstall -m 644 \ ${prefix}/share/java/jstl.jar \ ${prefix}/share/java/standard.jar \ ${target}/shared/lib # Remove unwanted files foreach f [glob -directory ${target}/bin *.bat] { file delete $f } # Maintain empty directories ui_msg "# maint. empty dirs... " xinstall -m 755 -d ${target}/work xinstall -m 755 -d ${target}/logs destroot.keepdirs-append \ ${target}/logs \ ${target}/temp \ ${target}/work \ ${target}/shared/classes \ ${target}/common/classes # Install our scripts ui_msg "# adding our scripts " xinstall -m 755 \ ${filespath}/tomcatctl \ ${filespath}/conf_setup.sh \ ${filespath}/setenv.sh \ ${target}/bin ui_msg "# adding our scripts 2" xinstall -m 755 \ ${filespath}/setenv.local \ ${target}/conf # Add a symlink from bin directory to tomcatctl system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && ln -s ../${home}/bin/tomcatctl" # Configure the scripts reinplace s|PREFIX=$|PREFIX=${prefix}| ${target}/bin/tomcatctl reinplace s|TOMCAT_USER=$|TOMCAT_USER=${tomcatuser}| ${target}/bin/tomcatctl # Rename certain files as .sample to avoid replacing them on update # These will be "repaired" by conf_setup.sh on first run foreach f " catalina.policy catalina.properties server.xml tomcat-users.xml web.xml setenv.local " { file rename ${target}/conf/${f} ${target}/conf/${f}.sample } # Fix ownership of some directories tomcat really needs to write to system "chown -R ${tomcatuser}:${tomcatgroup} \ ${target}/conf \ ${target}/logs \ ${target}/temp \ ${target}/webapps \ ${target}/work" # Install the docs file copy ${worksrcpath}/webapps/docs \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} } post-install { ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# Configuration files in ${prefix}/${home}/conf have been" ui_msg "# installed with a .sample extension so that they won't be replaced by a" ui_msg "# port update. Each will be copied to its proper location during the" ui_msg "# first startup of tomcat by catalina.sh or tomcatctl if you don't" ui_msg "# do this yourself first. If this _is_ an update, you might do a diff to" ui_msg "# verify that you're not missing anything in the newer .sample versions" ui_msg "# of these files." ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# The script ${prefix}/${home}/bin/tomcatctl has been installed to" ui_msg "# facilitate start and stop of tomcat using the jsvc utility, which allows you to" ui_msg "# start tomcat as a true daemon process. Once tomcat has acquired its TCP socket," ui_msg "# jsvc will drop its root privileges and run as user ${tomcatuser}." ui_msg "#" ui_msg "# Under Apple Java, control over the Java version used to launch ${name} is" ui_msg "# through the shell variable JAVA_JVM_VERSION. This variable should be set" ui_msg "# to a java version such as 1.5, 1.6, or CurrentJDK (for the default version)." ui_msg "# You may set JAVA_JVM_VERSION in ${prefix}/${home}/bin/setenv.sh." ui_msg "#" } startupitem.create yes startupitem.executable "${prefix}/bin/tomcatctl" start startupitem.pidfile clean "${prefix}/share/java/tomcat6/logs/${name}.pid" livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}/download-60.cgi livecheck.regex "apache-tomcat-(\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)-src.tar.gz"